Pentecost and Gemini
Here’s another of the numerous astronomical/zodiacal references in the Judaeo-Christian scriptures. Pentecost Sunday, or Whit Sunday, considered by Christians to be the birthday of the church, was yesterday, 19 th May. Pentecost means ‘fiftieth’, the fiftieth day after Easter, and since Easter always occurs when the sun is in Aries, Pentecost always occurs around this date, when the sun enters Gemini. (Which it does this year on Tuesday, 21 st May.) This is the time of year when the heat of the sun is: not yet so equally diffused as when he shines directly down from his highest point of elevation, the summer solstice. In consequence of which the air is heated and rarefied, but partially, as over the sands of Africa; and over all those parts of the earth which reflect heat. So that the surrounding denser air, rushing in, in consequence causes those rushing mighty winds, which render the month of May full often peculiarly unpropitious to human health'. (Rev....